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Tuesday 11 August 2015

Rififi 1955, France

Jules Dassin
Jean Servais, Carl M hner, Robert Manuel

Why so great?
There's delicious irony in the fact that Rififi was made in Montmartre while American director Jules Dassin - one of Hitchcock's prot�g�s - was on the Hollywood blacklist, as this striking crime-masterpiece has exerted a heavy influence on virtually every Hollywood heist movie since. Dealing with the set-up, execution and fall-out after a diamond-store safe-break in '50s Paris, it may sound conventional, but with a virtuoso near half-hour - the heist itself - playing out with no dialogue or score in near silence, it's anything but.

Hollywood remake?
The likes of The Killing and Reservoir Dogs owe it a debt, but a straight remake is in development at Stone Village Pictures, with Al Pacino down to star.

Dassin won Best Director at the 1955 Cannes Film Festival (tied with Sergei Vasilyev for Heroes Of Shipka), as well as awards from the New York Film Critics Circle and the French Syndicate of Cinema Critics.

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