World Popular Movies

Monday 10 August 2015

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

The Dark Knight Rises

Director : Christopher Nolan

Film Beginning  Summary

The superhero film, a bleak and despairing story, opened with a brief scene - Commissioner Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) was at an outdoor function at the Wayne Manor mansion celebrating the memory of beloved Gotham City politician Harvey Dent ("I believed in Harvey Dent"). It was eight years after Dent's death (and after the events of the previous film).
The first action sequence occurred in Uzbekistan as three hooded prisoners were driven to a CIA plane. With them was Russian scientist Dr. Leonid Pavel (Alon Aboutboul), a nuclear physicist whom the three had attempted to capture. When airborne, the CIA officer in charge, CIA Op (Aidan Gillen) faux-questioned the trio at gunpoint, threatening to execute them by throwing them off the plane. The third one to be interrogated was bald-shaved Bane (Tom Hardy), the muscle-bound mercenary ring-leader with a pain-killer injecting muzzle-mask. Bane's plan was to be intentionally captured, to find out how much Dr. Pavel had told the CIA about them and to fake the scientist's death while on board their flight before the plane was crashed. Suddenly, a larger C-130 air transport plane dropped cables down to the fuselage (to tow it) during an aerial assault and successful skyjacking by terrorist Bane's rappelling commandos. During the rescue, a cadaver was brought on board and used to transfer Pavel's blood in order to fake the scientist's death (presumably, Pavel would be used later for Bane's evil purposes). One of Bane's mercenaries was sacrificially left on the plane, to have at least one body remaining as proof of the attack.

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